Saturday 12 September 2015

1. Not my first Rodeo this year...

"What you gonna do when the walls come falling down? - You never move, you never make a sound..." - Noel Gallagher (All Around The World, 1997).

It's with this odd phrase that I start publishing my 2015 set of debauchery and confusion that resides inside my head, like a crab in a coconut. Probably.

The year is indeed 2015, but the month is in fact September; I'm just under a month away from my 32nd Birthday, and This is the first thing I've publicly decided to publish on this site this year. Why? Because Politics = Reasons.

I talk of course about the storm in a teacup that has been the main news of this day in particular - the Labour Leadership "debacle". Some would say victory, myself included, but for sensationalism, let's stick with that phrase, shall we? Of course, we (seem to; going by the 76% turn out) all know it's bullshit, but why are people so reluctant to admit that a debate is a bad thing? I think I have a theory. A disjointed one, but hopefully it's a little bit of sense in the grand old bigoted scheme of things.

First things first. Jeremy Corbyn won the election with a 59% majority. In the first round. That's no mean feat. Even in the 2010 election, it took Ed Miliband 2 rounds to wrestle a 4% deficit from his brother to only achieve 50.65%. So why have people voted for him in such large numbers?

Some would still argue the conspiracy that, despite the best efforts of vetting people have voted for Corbyn to simply disrupt the party. This would serve as the basis of the Labour party as we know it imploding or perhaps "fracturing"; creating splints of a party ready to start anew. That won't happen, and I am confident of that for a few reasons..

First up is the fact that at the last 2015 General Election, Labour was the only "real" alternative to the Conservative Party, if you discount the SNP as a non-entity in terms of all-encompassing. At this moment in time, and as time has basically dictated over the recent political years, it will almost always be an exclusive 2-party system, with the hangers on doing just that via the coat tails. That's until rise of something that can captivate a swell of people will emerge. And short of the Android or the iParty, there's nothing really on the horizon just yet.

Therefore, those willing to cling to power that have no real opinions as a person, but can outperform a set of bees for a hive mentality on the grander scheme of things will always side with a recognised party, whilst others that don't care about potential personal glory may well side with a smaller party to fight the good fight against the big buys, or maybe even because; Heaven forbid... They may just have something to say or do within the constituency that they are in.

Next is the fact that people have obviously voted for Corbyn in their swathes anyway. Of their own free will. Either that or the Tory Party now have Brainiac or some super-villain working for them, or Gideon mastered mind control whilst folding towels at Harrod's in his youth. Actually, I'm not ruling that out, when you look into his eyes. Sometimes they are just SO WIDE.

Out of a close to 400,000 vote, Corbyn amassed over 250,000 of the votes. Let's say for arguments sake that out of those, 20% were Tory's trying to hijack the campaign or bodge it, and another 20% were people who just "bought a ticket" for the shits and giggles of having a go and a say in something they personally couldn't give a toss about... That still gives him 150,000 votes, which would have still been damned near double Burnham's share at around 80,000. So yeah, people voted for him, and there's no denying it. If, let's say; people have been paying the £3 to join to screw up a party, then what do they think when they realise he's won by such a substantial amount, they've all bit wasted their money, and the joke's on them? Further more, what would they be thinking if they kick out the Conservatives in 5 or so years time? Will they still be laughing? People in glass houses and all...

OK, so I've covered a couple of things, but next up is the most irksome to me; Tory Lovers. The kind who'd generally love to give Cameron, Gideon and Iain Duncan Smith a perfect rimming just for the sake of a bit of power. They are the type of person who all but hates poverty (so long as it is't them), All but hates sickness (because it stops them from doing their secondary jobs or giving evidence in a child molestation case *cough - Greville Janner -cough*) or want to freeload at their father in laws house, rent free, find loopholes in inheritance tax and blah blah blah. You know the kind. They're no where near operating on a normal level, and think because they run themselves into the ground with all their jobs, rushing around to find some fresh fennel for tea and making sure little Genoa and Guinevere are in a full 60 hour a week creche, they actually believe they are more entitled to things than everyone else, and they wonder why the poor (or anyone who isn't poor, but well off) might actually hate them.

But yeah, back on track... Haha. Breathe, dude, Breathe!

Those people anyway, I hate. Today I have seen people that support the Tories come out and say "Thank God Labour voted him in, they'll never get into power now" and "They've replaced on idiot with another".

Eh, whut?

Where to start with this? Firstly the whole point of a democratic process is just that. Otherwise we'd be in a Mongolian Feudal deathmatch or whatever the modern equivalent would actually be. As the process was just as democratic for this as the Generals back in May, then what right do they have to mock this leadership but get so uppity or refuse to comment when you call their leader a prick? Yeah, it's a shitty generalised conversation, but when you begin to implement pieces of what you believe, then surely its open to rebuttal, especially on social media?Am I missing a point somewhere that what is put on social media publicly cannot be addressed by a rival party member? How the fuck is that even fair or democratic? So all in all, I'm ignored for it. So it's cool. Fuck em. I'll ignore them next time they say something, or put increasingly offensive shit on the post. Better hide them, kiddos!

As for replacing an idiot with another one. Meh. Miliband (the one we got) should never have won to be fair, but Labour had to stick with him, for the sake of looking ridiculous when "bacongate" reared it's Fugly head. Still, to be fair to him, I eat a bacon sandwich like that, so haters gotta hate, bacon's gotta be on a plate. What we actually replaced him with was a stand in, and then for a short period, Tom Watson was in fact technically the leader when voted as Deputy and there was no Leader announced. Would many actually call him an idiot? Someone in retrospect who should have been killed several times over by the Murdoch Empire or anything else for that matter with the things which he has bought to the people's attention? Yeah OK...

And finally with that, is Corbyn a literal idiot? A man that has bade his time for 32 years to get the shadow leadership? No of course not. He's a speaker, and a real one. I'm sick to my back teeth of Blair, Brown, Cameron, etc all rolling their arms and hands all over the place, like they are making an over elaborate pizza made of air. Corbyn in his speech today? I counted 1, maybe 2 arm gestures. He's actually a bog standard bloke that just so happens to have worked on miscellaneous problems (sometimes even inciting) within the party, and also worked as part of the Good Friday Agreement. Which as we all know was a fucking terrible thing to stop. All of those bombs stopping going off was a real bloody distraction as people across the UK after it was signed.

So yeah. I may have missed some stuff out, but that's the basics of it. My battery on my laptop is going, so I need to bugger orf. Any comments would be appreciated... Just trying to get a bit of a debate going. But whatever your doing, if your Tory, I won't reply as it seems to be their way of operations...


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